Oryx Hotel


What are the check-in and check-out times at Oryx Hotel?
Check-in at Oryx Hotel is from 2:00 PM, and check-out is until 11:30 AM.
What is the nearest airport to Oryx Hotel?
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (ZVJ-Abu Dhabi Bus Station) is located 2.29mi from the property.
Do the hotel rooms have hairdryers?
A hairdryer is available in each guestroom.
Does this property have a pool?
Weather permitting, the outdoor pool is perfect to enjoy a moment of relaxation.
Are mini bars provided in hotel rooms?
The in-room mini bar offers a large selection of items for sale.
Is there airport transportation available at Oryx Hotel?
Guests in need of traveling to/from the airport may arrange transportation with the reception.
Is smoking allowed on the premises?
The establishment is entirely non-smoking.
Will room service be provided?
Room service can be arranged for guests staying at the hotel.
Are there ATM machines nearby?
An ATM machine is conveniently located on the premises.
Is there a fitness center?
A state-of-the-art fitness center, equipped with weight-training machines, can be accessed by all guests.
Is there a lounge or bar at Oryx Hotel?
Guests may find a large selection of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages at the in-house bar/lounge.
Are coffee maker provided in guest bedrooms?
Enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee made with your room coffee maker.
Is there a kitchenette available in the guestroom?
Kitchenettes are an added bonus to other modern amenities already available in each room.
Is there a Jacuzzi or spa on the premises?
A Jacuzzi or a whirlpool is at guests' disposal on the premises.
Is there a concierge available at Oryx Hotel?
A friendly and helpful concierge is always ready to assist with any inquiries.
Is a currency exchange available to guests?
Travelers visiting from all parts of the globe can use the hotel's currency exchange services.
Are the guestrooms complete with a full kitchen?
A full kitchen is available to guests who may wish to prepare their own meals.
Are there microwaves in each hotel room?
Most or all guestrooms come with microwave ovens.
Does Oryx Hotel provide babysitting services?
Does Oryx Hotel provide babysitting services?
Are there gift shops on the premises?
The on-site gift shop is the best place to find souvenirs to bring back home to loved ones.
Are there restaurants nearby or on-site?
Looking for a place to eat? The property offers at least one full-service restaurant.
Are the guestrooms equipped with refrigerators?
Most rooms come with a refrigerator.
Are alarm clocks provided?
Alarm clocks are available in each room.
Do rooms at Oryx Hotel feature balconies?
Some rooms feature a balcony.
Are there barbeque grills on the premises?
Enjoy barbecuing with family and friends by using the on-property grills.
Are car rentals available nearby?
Guests can benefit from on-site car rental services.
Is the front desk open 24 hours?
Our helpful 24-hour front desk is ready to assist you with any inquiry.

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